✨Weird Humour Based On Your Pain ✨( A Highschooler's Life)

Here are some things all high schoolers can relate to, along with some none annoying advice:
- Every class is an art class if you don’t care enough.
- If you hear a faint cry in the distance, that’s probably just me trying to do my homework.
- What I learned from school: I’m a piece of shit, everybody else is also a piece of shit, and mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.
- I don’t even have enough brain cells left to go to school, yet here I go.
- IF YOU FUCKING THINK I can’t balance EIGHT CLASSES, EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, A SOCIAL LIFE, & SLEEP, THEN YOU ARE right because I have a mental breakdown every day.
- School is an endless cycle of “I just need to make it through this week” every week.
- As a student, the most comforting words you can hear are, “I haven’t started either.”
- In math, I use this thing called the guess and hope method.
- She’s a ten but doesn’t raise her hand in class even though she knows the answer.
- Is there anything on earth more anxiety-inducing than being given unclear instructions and then put under time pressure? #school

Tips For Highschoolers
As a high schooler myself, I have to admit it is stressful to keep up with all these portions of this education system and maintain a healthy school life. From academics to friendships, we often feel left out. I have caught my friends crying because of the exam pressure or just because of school life multiple times this year. And I have gone through a lot too.
Just remember, we are all in this together. You are not the only one who is suffering.
Shout out to all the kids who:
- Grew up smart and lost it when they got to high school. But don’t know why.
- Are so bright but can’t focus academically.
- Are told their efforts are not good enough when, in reality, you just don’t understand.
- Are too shy to ask for help, so you go without it and therefore don’t reach the full potential you know you have.
- Are brilliant in class but underperform in exams.
- Are “gifted kids” who are burning out, but no one understands because you hide it well.
- Have to pretend they don’t care about their grades because they constantly underperform and don’t want to look stupid.
You are not alone!
Remember, school is tough, but so are you. You can get through it. Keep trying. But don’t burn yourself out.

If you feel burnt out, it is time to step back and do some self-care:

Fix You Study Mindset: A Highschooler’s Guide
Here are the goals and intentions you should have while doing your school life. This mindset is the one thing that has helped me keep my grades high!
- Essays: Make each one better than the last.
- Tests: Study for 100s but expect less.
- Small assignments: Aim for 100s, expect 100s, and get 100s.
- Homework: Pretend they are assignments.
- Ungraded Homework: Pretend! they are! assignments!
- Long-Term Projects: Act like it’s due in four days (even when it’s not) until you complete it.
- Group Projects: Do not get angry.
- Presentations: Pretend you are Obama.
It works for me. It may not work for everyone. Don’t push yourself too hard.
Study Tips
You can get some study tips from these blogs later:
That’s all I have for today. Stay strong, keep slaying, and work smartly. Don’t forget to tune into more BeingMehak blogs for more fun content. And follow my socials for some extra fun!
Stay slaying,
Mehak <3