3 Secret Study Tips: How to become a topper?

As the CBSE board exam 2024 is approaching, I have brought you 3 secret study tips that need zero effort and are scientifically proven to help you study. Scroll down and become a topper immediately!
A Topper’s Study tips
- Doodling : A topper’s habit
How often do you find yourself doodling funny pictures or randomly scribbling on your desk during class?
You probably ended up getting scolded, BUT…What if I tell you that doodling helps you focus rather than distracting you?
Here’s the proof if you don’t believe me :
In 2009, psychologist Jackie Andrade conducted a study where 40 participants listened to a 2-½ minute voicemail message. Half of them were asked to shade in a shape while listening, while the other half were not. After the call, both groups were quizzed to recall details from the message, and surprisingly, the group that doodled recalled 29% more information.
(Source: The Harvard Health Publishing)
So, for the first secret study tip, all you need to do is scribble or doodle random stuff like this when you get distracted in class.

2. Become A Topper : Aesthetically
There’s always that one person in class who’s obsessed with aesthetically color-coding ALL their notes and text. Actually, they are following one of the “3 secret study tips”. And they are probably a topper. So, how do you beat them?
It’s simple.
Follow these steps to ace the board exams 2024 and become the new topper of your class!
- Write down your key points in red.
- Highlight using yellow.
Always remember to use warm colors (colors with red, orange, and yellow tones). A study suggests warm colors “increase attention and elicit excitement and information.”
(Source: Chai MT, Amin HU, Izhar LI, Saad MNM, Abdul Rahman M, Malik AS, Tang TB. Exploring EEG Effective Connectivity Network in Estimating Influence of Color on Emotion and Memory.)
3. The Feynman Technique: Toppers’ Study Tips
Named after the physicist Richard Feynman a.k.a The Great Explainer, the Feynman technique relies on simple explanations and analogies.
Let me explain it better using this quote:
“If you can’t explain something to a 5-year-old, you are a dumbass.”
Meaning: If you cannot explain a topic in detail using simple language, you do not know the topic well enough. When you’re talking to kids, you will have to use simple language and explain things clearly. If you don’t, they’ll keep asking “Why?” over and over again!
So, our third and final secret study tip is to:
- Read (aloud) until you understand the topic.
- Explain it to yourself in the mirror as if you are explaining it to a child.
- If you get stuck anywhere in between, focus more on that portion. Read that part again and make it thorough!
- Finally, if you have a younger sibling, explain it to them. Yes, this can be difficult if you have an annoying younger sibling, but the more annoying they are the better you’ll learn your topic!
Those were all the three study tips I had. Now, you have dreamed enough about becoming a topper, so get your lazy ass up and work for it!
Also, follow my insta for more fun and useful content. And check out my other blogs too.
See ya later,
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