5 Mistakes dancers make and how to fix them
Here are some quick and easy dance tips and fixes:-

1. Your eyes: an unused weapon
Your audience unconsciously follows where your eyes are going. When you look here and there while performing, you look awkward and distracted. Instead, use your face/eyes to guide our audience’s attention. Here are three ways to do this:
A) Follow the direction of your movement.
For example, if you’re lifting your hand upwards, look upward along with your hand. If you are performing some intricate footwork, look at your foot. Doing this helps the audience catch detailed movements and guides their focus to what you’re doing.
That is your way of saying to the viewer, “Hey, look at this move! Isn’t it cool?”
B) Look at the audience.
A simpler solution is to look at the camera or make eye contact with the audience. It helps the audience feel connected to you and your performance and makes you look confident.
C) Look away from the move
Looking away from the move makes you look in control because you don’t even have to look at the move to do it right.
2. You're not breathing?!
Check if you’re unknowingly holding your breath while dancing. Holding your breath while dancing can make you look stiff and nervous. Remember to inhale and exhale along with your moves the next time you dance!
3. Turn your emotions on!
Many dancers, including me, struggle to give expressions while dancing. But without expressions, dance is like a pizza without topping. Passionate dancers feel the music and have fun. They also make sure to look how they feel! If you suck at expressing emotions, like me, then start with a smile and gradually train yourself to emote according to the performance.
4. Insecurity? We don't know her!
It’s essential to feel and look confident while you dance. I know this might be hard, especially if you’ve just started. But always perform like you’re about to rock that stage! Here are some ways to do it:-
A) Be prepared. Make sure you know what you are doing, practice, and mentally prepare yourself. A quick tip to feel prepared is to record yourself while dancing and fix your mistakes. This way, you can be sure of how you look.
B) Your dance can’t be perfect, but your outfit can be. What you wear has a lot to do with how you feel. So, make sure you look snatched before performing or practicing.
C) Remember, there are no “bad dancers,” only untrained ones. No matter how unprepared and overwhelmed you feel, you will get there with a lot of practice and a little determination.
D) If none of the above works: Fake it till you make it! Act like you’re the best at what you’re doing, doesn’t matter if it’s true. Pretend you’re a super-rich, world-famous dancer about to slay the day.
5. Are you a cat? No? Then why are you in that box?
Most importantly, make sure to move around while you dance. Break out of your box, walk around the space you’ve got and face different directions. Remember, there are limitless ways you can move.