5 Study Tips For People Who Love To Procrastinate.

After scrolling through the endless oblivion that is the ‘internet’ if you’ve ended up on this blog, you’re probably like me— you love procrastinating. In fact, you’re probably procrastinating right now. No. That does not mean you should click away. You are just a few minutes of procrastination away from a life free of low grades and guilt! So, go ahead and scroll down to get 5 doable study tips for people who like to procrastinate.
1. Focus On Two Task At Once.
Always set two goals for yourself. For example, plan to study one chapter of maths and one chapter of physics in three days. Now, you can procrastinate on studying physics while studying maths and on learning maths while learning physics.
If you can’t stop procrastinating, then make procrastination productive!

2. Set Goals, Rather Than a Schedule.
Sticking to a schedule is way too hard when you have the option of postponing your tasks. Instead, try setting goals. For example, decide that you will study one chapter or a page from that lesson by the day after tomorrow. You’re probably not gonna end up learning it today or tomorrow. Instead, if you’re like me, you’ll probably waste your time doing other things while simultaneously feeling guilty for not working towards this goal. But on the last day of your deadline, you’ll probably feel enough guilt to sit down and study.
Besides, studying one chapter in three days sounds much better than learning one hour every day. This way, you’ll get enough free time after three days to set a new goal for yourself.
Also, it’s best to ask a friend, parent, or sibling to keep bugging you until you fulfill it.

3. Reward Yourself.
Promise yourself that you can watch one episode of your favorite series or eat that snack you’ve been saving after you complete a minor goal. For example, if you plan to complete a whole lesson in a day, reward yourself after your first hour of learning or after learning two pages.
Fulfilling self-set deadlines and restrictions can be challenging. So it’s better to get your parent, sibling, or friend to confiscate your reward until you reach the milestone.
4. Challenge Yourself.
Rather than studying a load of information all at once, study bit by bit. Quiz or test yourself after each page or paragraph. This keeps it interesting, and you can ensure that you’re actually learning something or that everything’s just going above your head.
After studying a chapter in English, I like to narrate the whole story with my textbook closed and answer the exercises. After reading a paragraph in history, I reiterate the information in that paragraph like a story or as if I’m teaching it to someone else. (NCERT History has a lot of information to absorb, so if you use that, testing section by section is the best method). While studying a language, for example, Hindi, I like to write the question answers without looking, then correct them on my own.
5. Change Of Environment.
Studying in places where you’re used to studying is generally not a good idea. I don’t know the science behind it. But I’ve found that whenever I study in the same space for too long, I start zoning out and losing focus. A change of setting, even going to a different room, helps a lot.

Bonus Study Tip:
Teaching is the best way to study. I like to solve my friend’s doubts and quiz them on the same piece of information just before the exam. It makes me feel much more confident and solves my own doubts too. Learn from your mistakes, but learn from others too.
Don’t pressure yourself on studying and getting good grades. All that matters is that you tried your best. Most importantly, study for yourself and your dreams, not just for your parents’ and teachers’ satisfaction.
That’s it! You can now go ahead and test these methods for yourself.
Before that, don’t forget to subscribe and follow my socials for more study tips and other content. (Don’t procrastinate, do it now!)