My Confusing Fantasy~ Part 1: Read Now For Free!

Fantasy story YA - Read for free

If you’ve read about how this website came to exist on my “about me” page, then you probably know about the history of this story. 

A quick note before we start: I started this story two years ago when I was 12 (in a series of events mentioned on my about me page) and continue to write it at 14. So, that’s why it’s a bit rough around the edges right now. But you will see my writing gradually improve as I post the coming parts of the story. 

Before we begin, here’s some info about it. Scroll further if you want to jump straight to the story.

  • Genre: Coming-of-age fantasy with a romantic sub-plot
  • Tropes: Found Family, War, Friends to Lovers, Friends to Enemies to Lovers.
  • Multi-Pov
  • For Fans of Keeper of The Lost Cities, Harry Potter, and Six Of Crows. 
  • POv: Third Person 
  • Main Characters
The Realms Of Confusion - Zeraphina Ashlore - Read story for free!
Zeraphina Ashlore
The Realms Of Confusion - Talon Lochlan - Read story for free!
Talon Lochlan
The Realms Of Confusion - Elex Sylvaine - Read story for free!
Elex Sylvaine
The Realms Of Confusion - Endora - Read story for free!

Chapter 1

Zeraphina Ashlore 

‘Confusion’ was what Zera liked to call the constant misery she endured. She wiped the tears from her face and started packing.

If no one wanted to wish her good luck, she would show them she didn’t need it.  

The day she had waited for all life long had finally arrived. And yet, no one had anything to tell. She had waited for this moment to prove herself, to show everyone that she was not just a delicate princess with her head stuck in the clouds. She was not stubborn like her maids liked to think. She was not privileged like her friends thought. She had her battles too. And she wanted to prove that she was a warrior.  

She muffled her sobs as a knock sounded on the door. She opened the door to find her sister looking grumpy, as always. Davina shoved a bundle of clothes into Zera’s hand, “It’s a nice outfit. At least, you’ll look pretty when you lose—” 

Zera slammed the door in her face. 

The Ashlore sisters were notorious in court for how similar they were. And though Zera and Davina did share the same brown eyes and Dark Auburn hair, Zera always hoped she was nothing like her elder sister. 

She sighed and examined the clothes that Davina had just handed her. She slid the hooded top and baggy pants on. Her waist pouch fit smugly over her pants. Excitement built in her chest as she covered her face with the mask. 

She looked nothing like a princess. Nor like a warrior. But, like a girl ready to face the world. Right now, she was an amalgamation of all her dreams and fantasies. She was a princess ready to decide her future, a queen ready to claim her crown, and a voyager ready to brave her journey. 

She hoped the world was ready to face her. 


Her muscles ached, and her lungs burned. Her eyes kept watering, but she kept on running. Endora couldn’t stop. She kept running. 

Her chest heaved, and her nose felt raw.

But she needed to find her father. She needed to find safety. 

She focused on the rhythm of her breath, her feet thumping on the ground, leaving it behind as she rushed forward and lunged into the darkness. 

Down.Down.Down she fell. Until it was just her flailing and screaming—trying to scream. Her mind felt disconnected from her body, and her voice seemed non-existent.

And then she felt a piercing pain in her head. It had hit something. She felt her body aching. 

Feel.Feel.Feel. She could feel it. 

She stroked her hand, trying to feel something other than the pain. She tried to touch something, anything. Her hand grazed the cold hard ground. The cold stung her skin and prickled her heart like anxiety and fear waiting to unleash. She gasped for breath and shivered. 

Her amber eyes ripped open as she jolted awake from the nightmare.

The fresh morning breeze didn’t feel so cold anymore. It felt icky and sweaty. 

Her blonde hair stuck to her neck, and a drop of sweat trickled down her spine. 

“Happy Birthday Ora!” 

It took her a second to realize the hazel-eyed blonde man entering the room with a cake was her dad. 

“Thanks, dad.”

“Welcome. But couldn’t you be a bit more excited?”

“Not today,” Endora muttered.

Her dad placed the cake on her lap. Endora cut it and gave a slice to her father.

“I love you, dad.” She tried to say with a mouth full of cake.

“Love you too, dear. “

And then there was this awkward silence between them. Neither wanted to acknowledge their worries.

“Uggh! I don’t want to do this.” Endora said, finally breaking the silence

“Nothing in life is permanent, Ora. Things are not as final as you think. There is always some light of hope in the darkness.” her father said—or maybe preached would be a better word.

“Okay, no need to act so dramatic. I am not losing hope. I’m just worried that someone will find out the truth. Is there any way I could not attend the test?”

“Nope.Not at all. The test is always monitored. The participants are marked. There should be no 15-year-old who doesn’t attend the test. The consequences of that would be more dangerous than the scorn of the truth.” her dad said, dimming her light of hope.

“But what if someone recognizes me?” 

“Everyone will be wearing masks. People of different kingdoms except for the royals, are not allowed to disclose their identities .”


“I know. The worst-case scenario is you will have to reveal your name. Then, you are Endora– “

“Lenore. Endora Lenore.”

This was her life now. A constant struggle to get away from reality.

Elex Sylvaine

“You better pass this test. About time you start making your place as the heir of the Sylvaine family.” 

“Pass how? I don’t even know what this test is. But I do know that no one has ever passed before. Then how do you expect me to do it?” Elex asked his mother

“You are not any ordinary boy, Elex. Of course, I expect you to do the extraordinary.”

“Being your son doesn’t make me more special than others!” Elex regretted the words as soon as they left his lips.

But surprisingly, his mother stayed calm. Maybe, because it was such a big day. 

 “Yes, it does. You are a prince, Elex. The heir to the throne of Everkeith. You are a Sylvaine. And it’s time you prove that.” His mother said.

But something about her prideful grey eyes or the way her smile seemed to challenge him didn’t sell the over-dramatic pep-talk. 

 “I’ll try,” Elex said with a half-hearted smile.

“I don’t know what to do with you.” His mom mumbled as she left his room

Elex looked at his Honey Blonde hair in the mirror and sighed. Curled and immaculate, which did not match his chaos-bound life at all. And let’s not even talk about his grey eyes.  

Talon Lochlan

Talon grinned at his reflection in the glimmering water. He believed the test would set things right, despite everything that could go wrong. Why or how? he didn’t know. 

Talon took his foot out of the water and glanced longingly at the river before he turned back and took the path home. The paved pathway led to a vine-wrapped arch. He glanced at his huge mansion-like house and wondered how it could feel cozy and gloomy. The white stone walls looked dull, and the blue-towered roofs were worn out. But the bright yellow light shining from the inside cast a mystical aura upon the house. 

Inside, his family members were having breakfast. They all looked much like him, brown-haired with blue eyes. And in that particular moment, they looked like a happy, cheerful family. A normal family. Much like they were before the disaster struck. 

“There he is. I almost thought he left without telling us.” Talon’s father said, gesturing at him to take a seat. Talon could tell his father was worried, even through all the put-up happiness.

“Did u eat?” Orinthia asked Talon. 

“Yeah. After all, I can’t be late for this special day,” Talon replied to his mother.

“So, when are you leaving?” Owein, his mischievous younger brother, asked. Though, he seemed to be genuinely concerned.

“The chariot must be coming soon.” His mom said. She was most definitely not excited.

“Chariot?!” Owein asked

“Yes, since we are the only family living around this area, the king had to send a chariot to take Talon to the location. And he was not happy about it, ” Talon’s father said.

After what happened to Calian Lochlan, Talon’s uncle, Talon’s family decided to cut themselves off from the rest of the Lochlans. They had isolated themselves from the rest of the world and created their own. 

Calian’s death deeply affected Talon’s father, Zathrian. Calian and Zathrian were twins. They were like the two sides of the same coin. Similar dreams and similar goals but different approaches. At least, that’s what Talon knew. He had never been that close to Callian.

Talon was five when his parents decided to move to Runnel’s Retreat. The news of Callian’s death spread like wildfire. People spread rumors about the Lochlans and blamed them for the harsh decisions taken by the royals. Strangely enough, the royal’s sudden decision to force every fifteen-year-old to participate in some mysterious test also aligned with Callian’s death. 

“Seems like the chariot is here!” Owein exclaimed at the distant sound of a horse’s hooves striking the ground.

“Seems like it’s time to go,” Zathrian noted

“Yeah. Take care. I will be back as soon as the test is over. Try not to miss me.” Talon said

“I won’t.” retorted Owein.

“I don’t know about others, but I sure will. But I am sure my son will come back safe and sound. And if things go well, he might even pass the test. ” Declared Orinthia. 

“Thanks, mom, I’m sure I will.” 

“You better get going, Talon. Or you’ll be late. Bye! Miss you!” Zathrian informed 

“Bye. I will miss you too.” Talon said as he walked outside.

The chariot was much simpler than the royal chariots he had heard. He attempted to make conversation with the charioteer but soon gave up.  

It would be a long journey ahead. But Talon was ready to brave it. 

That was it for chapter one. It gets better in the coming chapters, I promise! If you’d like to keep reading, follow my socials to get updated whenever I post. I’ll post the next part of the story on 5 Feb. Till then, bye!