7 Practical Ways To Feel Confident In Seconds

7 scientifically proven & quick ways to be confident!

Have you ever wanted to be that one person who walked into the room and all eyes just turned to them? 

Let me tell you a secret, what others think of you mostly depends on one thing: Your confidence. 

So, how to be confident?

1. Wear Perfume.

An experiment showed that men and women who wear perfume or cologne feel more confident when talking to someone new. It can also be a representation of our personalities. 

2. Wear a plain black tee

A study found that people who wear black t-shirts are perceived as more confident, more intelligent, and even more attractive. 

3. Do something really out of character or out of your comfort zone

4. Start taking more selfies!!

Put on your prettiest outfits, wear some makeup if you want to, and start clicking some pictures. Because apparently, 65% of teenage girls said they felt more confident when they posted selfies on Instagram. 

5. Pose like a superhero for 30 seconds before you leave the house!

There is a TedTalk on this one. 

6. Fake it till you BECOME it.

Keep your shoulders back, hold your head high, and tilt your chin up. 

Make eye contact with people. 

And most importantly, smile A LOT. 

Even when you feel afraid or ashamed, act like you’re sure of yourself.

Fake your confidence, and eventually, you’ll become confident.

7. Cocky VS Confident

Are you cocky or confident? Which one should you be? Here’s the answer:-

  • Confident people KNOW how beautiful they are. They don’t bring others down or show off.
  • On the other hand, cocky people TELL the world how beautiful they are. They show off. 
  • You can be confident, love yourself, and appreciate yourself without being cocky.
  • But you can also be cocky without being self-confident.
  • It is often looked down upon to be cocky. However, it’s a compliment to be confident.

I think it’s fine to praise yourself as long as you don’t insult others or put them down. So, no matter if you’re cocky or confident, BE KIND. Be humble. 

Anyway, those were all the tips I had. You are now ready to slay! But before, don’t forget to check out my other blogs and socials. 

Stay slaying,

Confident woman aesthetic, confidence building, confidence affirmations, how to be confident