✨Weird Humour Based On Your Pain ✨( An Extravert's Life)

Here are some things you’ll relate to if you are an extravert:
- Am I Being Too Sensitive, Or Are People Treating Me Like Shit? : a debut novel by you.
- And the sequel: Am I Overreacting Or Am I Supposed To Be Angry?
- Is This Happening, Or Am I Imagining?: The Trilogy
- You’re an expert at having a funny story and then wording it so horribly that it’s not funny anymore.
- And for the next trick, you’ll feel absolutely nothing and everything at the same time and keep a straight face.
- You’re a luxury only few can tolerate.
- You love talking. You can’t wait to find out what you say next.
- So you’re just existing today. And suddenly, you break into tears. You are emotional.
- Sometimes, your love language is obsession and insanity.
- People tell you you’re too loud. But they ask you if something wrong when you’re quiet.
Tips For Extraverts
Dear extraverts,
Keep being amazing. And never let other people dull your sparkle. You might come out as clingy and an attention seeker sometimes. But you care about others. We might be annoyed at times. But at the end of the day, we ( introverts ) cannot function without you.
I know you love talking to people and being a social animal. But don’t forget to be kind to yourself.

While socializing is a way to energize, not every friendship or relationship is good. Learn how to distinguish between people who are worth it and people who aren’t:

That’s all for today. Follow my socials and don’t forget to check out my other blogs like :
- 10 Weird Signs you are a ✨mAtEriAl gWoRl💅 ✨
- ✨Weird Humour Based On Your Pain ✨( An Introvert’s Life)
- ✨Weird Humour Based On Your Pain ✨( An Overthinker’s Life)