✨Weird Humour Based On Your Pain ✨( An Introvert's Life)

Here are twenty-five weird sentences to describe my life as an introvert. Fellow introverts can relate!
- Sometimes I feel like, it’s just me, my books, my Pinterest, and my Spotify against the world.
- If you are not in my circle of trust, you are probably in my triangle of suspicion or a rhombus of doubt.
- I’d rather run into a brick wall than someone I know.
- Naturally introverted, selectively extroverted.
- The best part about being alone is the silence. Silence. Every single time you want it.
- The problem with society is that there are people.
- I’m a thinker, not a talker.
- Pretending to be boring so they leave you alone>>>>>>
- Would I die for you? Yes. Will I pick up your call? No.
- How rude of you to not invite me somewhere I didn’t want to go.
- Introverts don’t just ENJOY alone time. We NEED it to function.
- #introversion: saving people from a bunch of bullshit since the beginning of time.
- *interacts with people* has to take a four-hour nap.
- Fun fact: I have inside jokes with myself.
- I am not anti-social. I am selectively social.
- “She’s well-behaved and polite. But she should interact more in class,” #giftedkidburnout #growingupshy
- When I’m around people, I am literally too self-conscious to have a personality.
- “talk about it?” haha, no, I prefer to internalize all my problems so they eat away at me from the inside until I can’t function.
- I think making sense is optional. Sometimes, I just talk.
- “You should never bottle up your emotions,” I say as I kick seven Emotional Bottles under the couch.
- I hate when I go out in public, and the public is there.
- The higher the grades, the lower the mental health lol.
- Being an introvert in a brown household is absolute trauma.
- Sometimes I forget I’m a real person.
- People assume I am shy when I don’t talk. I just don’t have anything to say. What do you want me to do? bark?

Tips For Introverts (And others)
Dear Introverts,
You are stronger than your anxious thoughts and social awkwardness. Stop overthinking! You don’t need to change yourself or your introverted-ness, no matter what anyone says. Just be yourself and put yourself out there once in a while. Stay crazy, and don’t be afraid to be weird. It’s out of your control what people think of you. So do what makes you happy, even the crazy things, and have fun by yourself. You’ll make some good friends on your way. Keep them close.
And remember this:

Dear extraverts/ ambiverts,
I hope you learned a little more about your introverted friends by reading this. Here are some more things you might want to know about them:

“✨Weird Humour Based On Your Pain ✨( An Extravert’s Life)” will be posted on 3rd June, so follow my socials to get updated when I post that! And most importantly, never ask an introvert why they are quiet. (I’m warning you now)
That’s all I had for today, my fellow humans, don’t forget to follow my socials to get updated when I post new blogs and check out my old ones as well.
Mehak <3
Note: None of the images used in this blog are mine. If you want to take them down contact me here.